National Anthem Singers
The Oakley Rodeo has a longstanding history of patriotism for love of country featuring the national anthem sung live before each rodeo performance begins. Many local talented individuals have participated in the past along with several others who reside on the Wasatch Back and from the State of Utah. This year, we are looking for singers for the following nights:
- Wednesday, July 2, 2025
- Thursday, July 3, 2025
- Friday, July 4, 2025
- Saturday, July 5, 2025
- Monday, July 7, 2025
Although there is no age restriction, only the most skilled talent will be considered by the selection committee. Those auditioning MUST be available for all the dates listed above as the selection committee decides who receives the singing slot for each night.
If you are interested in auditioning to sing the national anthem at the 90th Annual Oakley Rodeo this year, please submit your video with you singing the national anthem. Also include your contact information on the email (e.g., full name, mailing address, phone number, and email address), and email this to: by April 15, 2025.
The selection committee consists of members from the Oakley Rodeo Committee who will meet soon after the submission deadline to decide which singers will perform each night for the rodeo. All those auditioning will be notified of their status after the selection committee makes their decision (e.g., approved, alternate, or declined).
As a thank you to the singers selected to sing the national anthem at this year’s rodeo, those selected will be given (2) complimentary tickets to the rodeo night at which they will be singing, and the option to purchase up to an additional (8) tickets at $30 each (face value), with all the seats being next to each other. Additional information will be sent to selected singers.
As a Thank You To The Singers Selected
The singers selected to sing the national anthem at this year’s rodeo, those selected will be given (2) complimentary tickets to the rodeo night at which they will be singing, and the option to purchase up to an additional (8) tickets at $30 each (face value), with all the seats being next to each other. Additional information will be sent to selected singers.